
by dunrite


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Introducing nowPaper: An application designed to allow easy access to Google Now-inspired wallpapers. With nowPaper, you can apply beautiful wallpapers/backgrounds that are based on or replicate Google Now's stunning abstract landscapes and cities. The wallpapers are in created in Ultra HD (4K) and Full HD (1080p).Muzei support with automatic time-based cycling is also included! nowPaper has an extension for the extremely popular live-wallpaper app Muzei. This allows the included Google Now-inspired wallpapers to cycle based on time (corresponding to dawn, day, dusk, and night). With the Muzei extension, you can use 4K resolution wallpapers for select locations. That way you can fully utilize your QHD display. There is also an option to have nowPaper choose a random location each day, so you wake up to a fresh home screen every morning.
Don't have Muzei? Get it here for free
New designs (cities and landscapes) are consistently being designed and added.
The Google Now-inspired wallpapers (nowPapers) were created by Alex Pasquarella at